[UK-CONTEST] Is it time for contest sponsors to introduce an ident rule?

Peter Lock doc.lock at tesco.net
Tue Jul 31 14:27:51 PDT 2012

Hi all


Over the two days of IOTA operating as /P I had no access to the cluster and
I never use it in contests anyway.  I heard a station sending AS4 as the
IOTA reference, and wanted to work him, but like so many others, he only
ID'd infrequently - perhaps every 5 calls, certainly not as bad as some.
And when he did ID, it must have been at 40wpm so it took a few listens to
make sure I had his call correct.


Anyhow, we worked, I even managed to get through the pile up with my 5W, and
I hope no busted calls or exchanges even with my hand sending. Excellent,
another call and another multiplier in the log!


A relative newcomer to amateur radio, I seem to recall my licence saying I
had to send my call for every new contact, as has been mentioned here; the
15 minute rule I though applied to QSO with the same station or group of
stations.  I now know some people do, some don't.  It is a bit like the 80m
CC contests where there seem to be so many running stations who all have the
same suffix, which I copy as QRZ?, but who's to know if they are G3, G0 or
some other prefix.  Ah, well, a guess sometimes works, but I do not really
understand the point of the repeat sign, as they never repeat the QRZ.  But
back to IOTA, with 5W I was never going to hold a run frequency or attract a
pile-up, so there was no decision to make as to how often to send my


I recollect this topic has been aired previously; like so many others on
this reflector it will be subsumed by another (perhaps the meaningless 599
report that gives rhythm to the exchange {HUH?}) and no decision will be
forthcoming.  But at least that allows it to return to generate a lot more
internet traffic.


Perhaps the best idea would be to adhere more closely to the terms of the
licence we have been issued, and give our call for each QSO. No doubt, no
blaming an incorrect cluster spot for a busted QSO, no agonising over
"should I send my callsign every 3rd, 5th or 10th QSO????"; just good old


Oh, the station I worked?  Did I not say?  Ah, P3F, I think.


Pot, kettle, dark colour.







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