[UK-CONTEST] [Fwd: 144 UKAC]

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Jun 6 16:38:43 PDT 2012


The start time of a QSO has always been slightly unclear (does the 
initial CQ count? - probably not), but
finish time is clearly the time of transmission of the last essential 
element of the contest exchange.
Any pleasantries thereafter are neither here nor there, neither is the 
time the QSO is actually logged
by the computer.

73, Peter G3LET

UK Contest wrote:

Hi all

I entered the 144MHz UKAC Contest last night, mainly to check out the 
kit for Sunday's PW contest.

I used to operate in the UKAC contests a few years ago, but work has 
taken me away from home Monday - Friday so unless by fluke, accident or 
in this case a bank holiday, I don't operate in these contests. My entry 
is not a serious entry as I probably won't be able to compete again this 
year, in the UKAC contests.

I must say that there does seem to be a lot more activity from the 
central parts of GB this time around. Less JO squares seemed to be 
active. I wonder why ?

Anyway I pondered an interesting question during my weekly 250 mile 
commute to work, a question which is probably about rubber clocking....

So I commenced a contact with F1VNR/P, 30 seconds before the contest 
finished. He called me.

I commenced logging the contact but didn't complete the details until 
about 1 minute 30 seconds after the contest finished, hitting the enter 
key as I did.

(Clearly I was past the finish time, but it was a new square for me this 
year and loosing points isn't an issue).

However if I pressed the enter key at the start of the QSO (30 seconds 
before the end) and then edited the so logged QSO, would that count as a 
valid QSO? After all the QSO start time & finish time used to be the 
paper logs.

At what point is a QSO logged, and credit given for, in a contest?

As an amusing aside, a local G8 (I think) called me after I completed 
the contact to say I was past the contest finish time, according to his 
atomic clock that is. (I resisted asking did he have an atomic rooster 
to go with....).

This isn't a serious entry for me so I am not bothered about loosing points.


Adrian MW1LCR

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