[UK-CONTEST] Start & End Times

Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Thu Jun 7 05:43:45 PDT 2012

On 07/06/2012 11:42, Peter Hobbs wrote:

> What about all those who warm their channel for 15+ minutes before the
> start?

Yes, that happens - different people have
different views on the ethics of it all.

> I think it's reasonable to start with the initial call, which is
> the first specific contest-related transmission.  Some formal
> clarification would be welcome though . . .

We've had formal clarification a couple of times.

Here's one of them from Justin Snow G4TSH, at the time
Chairman of what was the RSGB HF Contests Committee
- on 20th March 2006 (to this mailing list)

   If the rules for a contest define the Start and End times
   for the event then the following apply:

   If the Contest Start Time is 20:00hrs then contest activity may
   begin at the second when the clock ticks from 19:59 to 20:00.
   A QSO time of 20:00 is perfectly acceptable.

   If the Contest End Time is 21:30 then all contest activity must
   have been completed by the time the clock ticks from 21:29 to
   21:30hrs. The latest time for a QSO that can appear in a log
   is thus 21:29hrs.

   Hope that lays this one to rest.  Thanks to Steve, G3UFY for
   drafting this one up.

   Justin Snow  G4TSH

> And surely the logging time of the final QSO is immaterial (an off-line
> activity).

It depends on the rules.  It's not like Mastermind, with
its "I've started, so I'll finish" rule.  It's more like
The Chase - once the buzzer goes, even in mid-question
or answer, it's over, and this apears to be the RSGB view.

> It's the final transmission of contest-related data that
> must be within the time limit.

It's clear that, in RSGB events, the final QSO must be
completed (logged) before the end time.

Paul EI5DI

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