[UK-CONTEST] UK-Contest Digest, Vol 114, Issue 36

Chris G7DDN g7ddn at g7ddn.com
Thu Jun 28 04:52:57 PDT 2012

"Then I guess I won't be doing any RSGB contests then.... My point was 
that an RST is an integral part of a QSO for time immemorial and as far 
as I am concerned if no RST is sent then I have not had a proper QSO 
and it is hence pointless making it. If you contesters want to do 
something else, fine, but it won't be part of my amateur radio hobby." Dave G3YMC

It's all opinion I suppose, but I agree with Dave here.

The RST has only become meaningless because of the 5NN habit.  I assume that has crept in over the years to speed things up.  My opinion is that the exchange should be "real" (I actually LIKE to know how strong/weak I really am, especially if I am QRP - 5NN is no good to me in that instance!)

Perhaps it is more of a speed v accuracy debate?  If so, I would come down on the side of accuracy.  Anyone can take serials, as they are sequential.  It takes a more accomplished operator (in my opinion) to take down previously unknown data, which a true RST would encompass.  (Just look at how many error-free logs there are in RoPoCo as an example of unknown data exchange)

But as I say, it's just my opinion...
...and you are entitled to yours as long as you accept I am entitled to mine!

g7ddn at g7ddn.com

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