David g3yyd at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 2 02:49:46 PST 2012

During the contest I had more than one station correct the sent serial
number. How many sent the wrong one without correction is an unknown.

It is possible with N1MM (I use N1MM never used Wintest) to send the
incorrect SN. This is done by sending the SN before filling in the Callsign
of the station you are working. N1MM thinks it is repeating the exchange of
the last QSO logged. So if you copied one less on the serial number that
could be the sending station. I had a couple of these but it may have been

Then there is the hand keyer. He makes a mistake in sending either because
his brain has an incorrect serial number or sends it incorrectly.

N1MM allocates serial numbers when the callsign is entered into the callsign
field. If you are doing SO2R or SO2V with two entry windows it is possible
to get them out of sequence and or have missing serial numbers. In my
experience adjudication software deals with this OK.

73 David G3YYD

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