Paul O'Kane pokane at ei5di.com
Fri Mar 2 06:15:10 PST 2012


  > You only need to type one letter in N1MM callsign field for it
  > to display the correct outgoing serial number.


  > Exactly the same is true of Win-Test.

For information - SD always displays the correct outgoing
serial number.

If the QSO has not yet been logged, the correct serial is
displayed, regardless of how many QSO fields have been
started/completed (or none) and regardless of the order
they were started/completed.

If the QSO in question has already been logged, it is
displayed, in full, directly above the logging line - with
the correct outgoing serial number.

When a QSO has already been logged, and a repeat of the
outgoing serial number is requested, SD's keyer sends
the correct (previous) serial when the fields on the
on the logging line are empty.

Paul EI5DI

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