[UK-CONTEST] UBN errors final thoughts

Clive GM3POI gm3poi2 at btinternet.com
Sat Mar 3 03:24:16 PST 2012

Having checked this problem as much as I can my conclusions are as follows.
The vast majority of software is safe from errors if used as single op with
the following exception.
When used as multi user it some can have errors in issued serial numbers,
however some are very good 
e.g. N1MM with its serial number server.
	My belief now is that the majority of single + or - 1 errors are
caused by operators Hand sending exchanges 
Rather than letting the PC handle it and by doing so issuing the wrong
serial number most likely because they have not as yet filled in a callsign
into its field. In my recent case it was the operator who hand sent the
wrong #  not the software or my copying.
	So all you AFS /CC /Beru operators please let the software handle
the numbers properly and only use the paddle for greetings; 73; fills etc.
73 Clive GM3POI

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