[UK-CONTEST] Amateur Radio Insurance

Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Fri Mar 9 04:27:39 PST 2012

Dave Sergeant wrote:
>No, it is with Aston Scott Ltd, who are also part of AXA. The current
>certificate, to be found at
>http://www.rsgb.org/membersonly/clubinsurance/index.php ,is valid till
>73 Dave G3YMC
>On 9 Mar 2012 at 11:31, Clive GM3POI wrote:
>> Possibly related is the fact that affiliated clubs to the RSGB get Third
>> party cover with their membership. Is that via Bluefin.? 73 Clive GM3POI
Probably "all of the above".

The original group policy negotiated by RSGB was with ARIS, whose 
business was eventually taken over by other companies ending with 
Bluefin. That goes back a very long time.

More recently, RSGB dumped ARIS as its favoured provider and started 
recommending another company... who then gave up and left them with 
burnt fingers. (This probably explains the negative response to Tim, a 
year ago.)

As a result, there are (or have been) policies around with at least two 
different providers, but the majority will be the older ones who were 
originally with ARIS and carried on to Bluefin.

Household policies are an alternative for individuals, but not for club 
property. Also, many individuals have preferred to deal with a 
specialist company that is experienced in handling our unusual types of 

Some of these renewals are IMMEDIATE AND URGENT - for example, our 
club's policy runs out next week. So too will about 2% of all Bluefin 
policies... followed by another 2% every week after that...

RSGB now has the chance to prove itself - or else catch some of the 

I hope that Don is already on it, and having a very busy day!


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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