[UK-CONTEST] 'proper' clubs

CHRIS COLCLOUGH chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com
Fri Mar 9 12:56:25 PST 2012

Stuart, Geoff, and any other member of the 2 example clubs I have used,

For some reason I think the irony of me calling Newbury and Bristol "virtual clubs" has been lost on you. I know both these clubs ar real and "proper" clubs, knowing a number of members of each. 

What I was meaning is that they are both consistent in their results and are always top of the CC/IOTA/AFS/RSGB contests. This is because they ARE excellent clubs and have a good number of members who get on the air for the events. I could have used the De Monfort club as another example, and would probably have got the same response.

Some one sent to me about their local club being a group of the "old f**ts" sitting in a corner of a pub and drinking a couple of halves of beer and shunning any activity, now to me this is a none starter as a club. There has to be something happening to get the members to attend, I guess this is why I have given up on my local clubs and am quite happy to join the guys at SHDXCG for some fun on the air and some socialising, oh and attending events like the RSGB convention, the GMDX convention, and as we are all members of CDXC the CDXC dinner next week. 

I can now see this being a friendly discussion over a couple of beers there about what constitutes a "proper club"...

Chris Colclough


Tel: 024 7638 5309
Mob: 07814 374921

 From: Stuart M0RXX <stuart at m0rxx.me.uk>
To: CHRIS COLCLOUGH <chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com> 
Cc: UK Contest Reflector <uk-contest at contesting.com> 
Sent: Friday, 9 March 2012, 13:26
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 'proper' clubs
As  Newbury and District Amateur Radio Society, NADARS, we meet every 4th Wednesday and have a Committee and Constitution we are a Proper Club!!
We work hard to maintain are position in the Various Contests. The only "Virtual" part of the club is that we are Virtual always in the top 10 or 5 of most Contests we enter. 
Apologies to the committee. Tin hat on. :-()

Stuart Southern. 
Sent from my iPhone 3GS. 
Radio Amateur. M0RXX
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On 8 Mar 2012, at 11:30, CHRIS COLCLOUGH <chrisg1vdp at btinternet.com> wrote:

> That is one hell of a biased opinion Ken.
> For example the Strumble group (see website below) meet up when ever we can all get to our "club HQ" (The Farm), all equipment used is our own and we operate field day style every time. We are a closed club and membership is only by invite, and that is because we believe in making sure the members all get on. And we are definaitely not a "virtual club", as are many of the others who enter the RSGB contests.
> We are like this because we all got fed up of attending "proper clubs" where they are full of old f**ts who think that the new licensing (and I mean from C&G multiple choice onwards) is "not proper amateur radio. When we have attended a "proper club" we are usually made to not feel welcome, apart from when we have attended as a guest speaker. Is this what the RSGB want? 
> The other side to "proper clubs" is that there is always bickering about who is going to do what and who is in charge of this and that. I have seen this at lots of clubs, and again we (SHDXCG) have all been members of different clubs around the UK. This is why "proper clubs" will never get the numbers on the air - too many different corners!!!!
> A lot on here know me and the guys in the SHDXCG and know how we are all enthusiastic about dxing and most of us contesting, and I think we are a "proper club" because we always make everyone welcome when in our company and who call us on air (MC0SHL/MW9W). We may only meet a few times per year to get on the air and see each other face to face, but we speak with each other every day using Skype and make decisions democratically over this medium.
> I know this will upset a number of you on here, but I guess there will be just as many who agree with what I say about varying (not all as I do know of some excellent clubs around the UK) clubs and their follies. Maybe these "proper clubs" should take a leaf out of the books of the "virtual clubs" like Newbury, or Bristol and work hard to have consistant results year in/year out.
> Chris Colclough
> http://www.mc0shl.com
> Tel: 024 7638 5309
> Mob: 07814 374921
> ________________________________
> From: Peter Bowyer <peter at bowyer.org>
> To: UK Contest Reflector <uk-contest at contesting.com> 
> Sent: Thursday, 8 March 2012, 10:01
> Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] 'proper' clubs
> On 8 March 2012 08:31, Ken Eastty <ken.g3lvp at btinternet.com> wrote:
>> Proper clubs as opposed to some 'virtual' clubs/CG's which only exist for the purpose of entering contests, don't have regular meetings etc. etc.
> I do find it curious that the RSGB is expected to run contests for
> clubs that don't do contests, and exclude those who do. How should
> they measure success? Perhaps when all the clubs have become good
> enough to be disqualified?
> Peter G4MJS
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