[UK-CONTEST] May RSGB SHF UKAC - 13cm Report

Ray James gm4cxm at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 22 17:09:11 PDT 2012

Tuesday nights contest produced a good level of activity on 13cm.
Despite the high pressure, conditions appeared below par for much of the evening with QSB presenting a problem. 

The first hour consisted of mainly local or near local contacts though Kjeld OZ1FF was worked early on via aircraft reflection.
Alan GM0USI/P activated IO76 for a nice multiplier though my own square went without a contact. Nothing was heard either way with John GM8OTI/P at Gatehouse of Fleet in IO74.
Gordon G8PNN in IO95 was much harder to work than normal with severe fading.
I missed Ian GM0UHC in IO85 so was grateful to catch Mark GM4ISM in that square despite his antenna being only a couple of feet off the ground.
Dan GM6CMQ provided me with IO86 running just 1w which he'll increase to 150w shortly.

By the time the antenna was looking predominantly towards "G" I noticed the aircraft movements of internal UK flights falling away quickly, much too quickly.
The end result was a far greater dependence on troposcatter with occasional aircraft enhancement leading to extended duration contacts in order to complete.
Throwing the towel is rarely an option for any microwave contacts as almost every one is a multiplier. The only square I worked more than one station in was IO91 with Neil G4BRK and Mike G0MJW. All other contacts represented a multiplier bonus.
Tony G4CBW was the sole contact in IO83, likewise Tony G4NBS in JO02 and Ian G8IFT operating G8OHM in IO92. 

Graham G3VKV in Cheltenham was heard only briefly and nothing of David M0GHZ so IO81 was missed. Nothing was heard from John G3XDY in Ipswich.

My QSO map can be viewed at http://maps.google.com/maps?q=http://www.rsgbcc.org/vhf/kml_files/2012/MuWRtVm419S2XW3jVt8lJkY7mj4OKNp

73 Ray GM4CXM IO75TW
60w + 67el @ 12m agl, 110m ASL.

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