[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28MHz contest

Andy Summers g4kno.mail at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 08:39:47 EDT 2012


Thanks for the opportunity to respond. Here are my views, which echo some
other respondents'.

There are currently only two RSGB contests that I try hard not to miss:
21/28 & BERU. I also dabble in the 80mCC (but gave last season a miss). Why
do I enter these in particular? Because they're the only contests that are
Restricted. Even the 80mCC is effectively restricted because there's not a
huge difference between a low dipole and a high dipole for short skip. I
think you would be dialling-out a lot of suburban stations by not having a
restricted section, which you're clearly sensitive to in your comments
about 160m operation. I'm aware that others have negative views about
restricted sections in general - they're entitled to their views, as am I.

I think it would be a mistake to extend down to 80m. Combined with the
allowance for inter-G working and despite the points bias to outside EU I
think it will end up with more LF than HF activity. If you want to deal
with the sunspot problem why not just extend it to 20m. That will also keep
the Sunday morning 80m nets happy!

It's unlikely I'd enter the mixed-mode section, but if I did I might be a
bit peeved that CW ops are more equal that SSB ops. I get the Oceania
angle, but if I don't think it will get any more people doing CW - they'll
just enter the SSB only section.

I can see that the ability for non-UK stations to work each other would be
a useful addition to the original 21/28 format, but there will always be
propagation to the UK on one of the bands 80-10m. That might not be the
case if it is only extended to 20m, but still less likely. On this subject,
working EU in the HF bands can be more challenging than DX, so it seems
unreasonable that EU is lumped-in with UK on these bands.

A bit rambling - but it is my lunch hour!

73 Andy, G4KNO.

On Tue, Oct 2, 2012 at 8:44 AM, Chris Tran GM3WOJ <gm3woj at christran.net>wrote:

> Tuesday 2nd October 2012
> Hello UK-contesters
> Clive GM3POI and I have drawn up a proposal for a new HF contest, to
> replace the existing 21/28MHz contest, starting in October 2013.
> This year's 21/28MHz event is this coming weekend 6/7th October.
> Please visit :
> www.qsl.net/gm3woj/**rsgbdxcontest.htm<http://www.qsl.net/gm3woj/rsgbdxcontest.htm>
> You can respond on this reflector or off-reflector to  gm3woj ..at...
> talk21.com
> Thanks -73
> Chris
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