[UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28MHz contest

Olof Lundberg olof at rowanhouse.com
Tue Oct 2 19:25:07 EDT 2012

Chris and Clive: This is a great idea - thanks for taking the time to put it
forward. I would be very disappointed if the CC wouldn't welcome it with
considerable enthusiasm. As I understand your proposal you are suggesting a
contest which is RSGB/CC-sponsored but where you help with the
administration thus not adding much to the workload of the CC.

You will no doubt get negative responses from the no-change-crowd but let me
expand on why I like your concept.

I have always enjoyed playing in contests like the WAG and REF where you
chase multipliers in the form of doks/departements. They are also great for
those of us who are condemned to suburbia and low power and wire antennas
only. While KT, FY, BN can't compete with Champagne, Bordeaux or Loire in
terms of culinary associations the idea is the same.

You need some good marketing to launch a new contest but the channels are
there if you start early. A web-site with a map of the UK postcodes/district
should be part of it and besides SD you also need WinTest and N1MM support.

A contest where you only work a particular country can be slow. You have
remedied that by allowing everyone to work anyone while the
multiplier/points structure ensures that GB stations would be sought after.
Since a postcode/district counts as much as a dxcc entity you have allowed
for moderately equipped GB stations to chase plenty of multipliers also on
the low bands. The 24 hour duration allows for global propagation during one
earth revolution around the sun. You might consider an individual max 18
hour operating time limit similar to WPX which would add a further strategic
decision element.

I would suggest even more demanding requirements for the exchange. Firstly,
do keep the 599, it provides a nice rhythmic place mark in the exchange. Do
penalize also those stations that are not able to communicate their exchange
to the other station, i.e. the exchange has to be correct both ways. Such a
requirement should moderate those operators that turn up their (computer)
transmit speed beyond what it takes to complete a full exchange given condx
and operator skill at both ends. A good operator should get the exchange
right both ways. RDXC have got it right there. I'm not concerned about
seriously bad operators at the other end - they would make me loose points
and get penalties but it would statistically average out for all. 

I also very much like the idea of the points incentive for CW qsos. With my
suburban wet strings and LP I find it depressing to try to compete with the
Big Brutes on SSB but on CW operator skill can make more of a difference in
spite of a power/antenna handicap.

Here are a couple of additional ideas: Why not provide a separate award for
21/28MHz only, thus some degree of continuity from the predecessor? In order
to stimulate newcomers to participate, why not also provide a Rookie
category or at least an award for new participants?

I'm sure you will also get push-back on your log submission deadline and the
PC/rig interface requirements. This is interesting because I assume that the
younger crowd are very comfortable with those aspects and they are the guys
we would like to encourage to participate. But then again it shouldn't be  a
show-stopper - more important is fast turn-around on adjudication.

Also please don't fall into the US lawyer trap - keep the rules simple
please. There will never be absolute fairness in our favourite hobby -
emphasize the fun aspect instead.

Your concept has the potential to provide good fun for GB operators. There
are enough strategic elements to allow a good operator with a moderate setup
to compete with the brute force loud guys.

Well done!

Olof G0CKV

-----Original Message-----
From: UK-Contest [mailto:uk-contest-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
Chris Tran GM3WOJ
Sent: 02 October 2012 08:45
To: uk-contest at contesting.com
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB 21/28MHz contest

Tuesday 2nd October 2012

Hello UK-contesters

Clive GM3POI and I have drawn up a proposal for a new HF contest, to replace
the existing 21/28MHz contest, starting in October 2013.

This year's 21/28MHz event is this coming weekend 6/7th October.

Please visit :


You can respond on this reflector or off-reflector to  gm3woj

Thanks -73


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