[UK-CONTEST] [Fwd: Re: RSGB DX contest]
Peter Hobbs
peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Oct 3 08:47:56 EDT 2012
This was supposed to have gone to the reflector - must have been a bit
late . . .
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [UK-CONTEST] RSGB DX contest
Date: Wed, 03 Oct 2012 02:10:09 +0100
From: Peter Hobbs <peter at tilgate.co.uk>
Reply-To: peter at tilgate.co.uk
To: Chris Tran GM3WOJ <gm3woj at christran.net>
References: <9906C9935EAF483592DAA2AD2C80C8C8 at GM7V12>
Chris and Clive are to be congratulated for taking the time to suggest
an exciting alternative to what has become an outdated format and one
that generates very little interest, especially from overseas. It will
of course have to be managed by the RSGB CC, but there is nothing to
stop other committed parties getting involved, as in the case of IOTA
and BERU. The proposed format is sufficiently removed from either of
those to generate genuine interest at home and abroad.
In line with several other respondents, I am concerned at some of the
proposed detail, a lot of which is fine for the top flight contesters
such as Chris and Clive themselves, but the success of any contest is
its appeal to all levels of potential participant, especially Joe
Average, without whom it is dead in the water. Specific suggestions are
as follows:
A Restricted section, with 100w and wire or single element antennas is
essential, taking into account its popularity in similar events. QRP
would be a subset. By all means have an open section that is attractive
to those with the real estate and resources, but they will be in the
minority for the foreseeable future.
I am unclear as to the intention regarding use of on-line assistance.
My view is that use of cluster and RBN would be appropriate only in a
separate multi-operator section.
RSGB has spent a lot of time and energy developing adjudication software
to handle serials and all their ramifications. Having serials as part
of the exchange for overseas but not UK entrants doesn't sound very
logical. PCs as an additional exchange element for UK stations is fine
and maintains continuity with existing events. The last thing we need
is another CQWW with meaningless exchanges - 99% of PCs could in
principle be pre-filled and are anyway available from other sources.
I don't see that the need for exact frequencies being included in the
log has been proven and this limits participation to owners of kit that
supports it - an unnecessary limiting factor in participation. In any
event, how would discrepancies be adjudicated? A potential nightmare in
my view if we are looking at a fast results turn-round.
What's all the hurry in submitting logs? The majority of entrants have
other lives to lead. Especially when penalty points (which I support)
are applied to logging errors, there's a definite need to review logs
for obvious errors. 7 or 8 days (to include the following weekend)
should be the absolute minimum.
I assume that a limit of one transmission at any time will be mandated,
which I didn't see in the initial draft.
I support the proposed scoring system in favour of CW QSOs, to reduce
the scope for silly "multi-mode" entries (if a multimode section is
really needed).
A precedent has been established in NFD to incentivise 10m QSOs and this
seems to work well. It could be considered here.
Clearly, a 5 band event needs to cover the full 24 hours, however I
suspect that only a minority of entrants will be prepared to devote
their whole weekend, which is what it boils down to. 12 hours (with
minimum off times) is very popular in some other events. We are of
course in danger of creating too many sections in an event that, until
it gets properly going, is unlikely to attract more than a couple of
hundred entrants. I'd personally be in favour of biting the bullet and
sticking to a matrix of 4 - Open and Restricted, with CW only and SSB
only. 12 hour entrants would be identified within the main lists, with
separate awards. We could of course be brave and lump UK and overseas
in the same results tables, as the multiplier opportunities are not
likely to be greatly different. Something of a democratic gesture!
So, yes - finally the awards, something that has never really been
addressed by RSGB for the overseas entrants and is crucial in persuading
many to devote their weekend. We have several historical pots for the
UK, left over from previous incarnations of the High Band events, but
some non-returnables are needed for overseas. Those of you attending
the RSGB Convention will get the chance to see some rather nice awards
that have been sponsored by Paul EI5DI for the BERU team competition and
which are quite affordable.
To proceed further, we need some formal consideration by RSGB CC.
Rumour has it that volunteers to succeed Ed GW3SQX (who is approaching
the end of his term as CC chairman) have been thin on the ground, so now
may not be an ideal time. Can I reiterate the several recent Radcom
requests for some nominations?
73, Peter G3LET
Chris Tran GM3WOJ wrote:
> Tuesday 2nd October 2012
> Hello UK-contesters
> Clive GM3POI and I have drawn up a proposal for a new HF contest, to
> replace the existing 21/28MHz contest, starting in October 2013.
> This year's 21/28MHz event is this coming weekend 6/7th October.
> Please visit :
> www.qsl.net/gm3woj/rsgbdxcontest.htm
> You can respond on this reflector or off-reflector to gm3woj
> ..at...talk21.com
> Thanks -73
> Chris
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