[UK-CONTEST] New RSGB HF Contest... ?

Bob Henderson bob.5b4agn at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 06:15:24 EDT 2012

Casual participants rarely read the rules.  This doesn't matter much in the
big events where exchanges are largely self evident.  It's a problem for
minor events.

No one seems to want to pick up on Nigel's astute observation on use of UK
postal districts as a multiplier.  I believe he has made a very important

Successful mainstream contests require more than just the participation of
dedicated contesters.  They require participation of casual operators
without whom things can become very slow very quickly.  Casual participants
need a reason to work a long string of G stations and collecting post codes
isn't one.  In the "olden days" an appropriate multiplier would have been
county codes which were backed by the RSGB WABC award.  Casual participants
who were award chasers would then happily look to work as many UK stations
as possible in pursuit of their own non contesting goals.  I suspect the
early beginnings of many a contester rests upon award chasing.  How many
are active in CQWW in pursuit of DXCC objectives?  I suspect thousands are.

As Nigel pointed out UK postal districts are pointless for award chasers.

Bob, 5B4AGN

On 7 October 2012 09:50, Steve GW4BKG <gw4bkg at btinternet.com> wrote:

> I have to agree with Nigel here.
> I also raised this aspect 2 years ago at the RSGB Convention but my
> comments fell on deaf ears.
> Listening to Darren 5B/G0TSM on 10m ssb he is having some difficulty in
> extracting the "Postal District"
> from "G" stations.
> You would have thought that everyone would know his own post code !
> Do some stations even bother to read the rules before they decide to
> participate.
> Steve
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Nigel G3TXF" <nigel at G3TXF.com>
> To: "UK Contest Reflector" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
> Sent: Saturday, October 06, 2012 10:46 PM
> Subject: [UK-CONTEST] New RSGB HF Contest... ?
>  Hello Clive POI and Chris WOJ,
>> On a small point of detail:
>> In the introductory text you say that UK stations send their
>> "UK Postcode", but (more correctly) in the actual draft
>> rules you say "Postal District". If we send Postcodes,
>> virtually everyone would be a Multiplier.
>> I have previously argued (in respect of RSGB contests using
>> Postal Districts) that as there is (to my knowledge) no
>> award available for collecting "UK Postal Districts", they
>> are (excuse the pun) a pointless exchange.
>> See you both at the HF Contesting Forum next weekend!
>> 73 - Nigel G3TXF
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