[UK-CONTEST] Proposal for change to rule for UKAC's for 2013

Rob Harrison robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Oct 9 08:12:15 EDT 2012


Ray my comment was not meant to stop anyone commenting, I posted it for 
info' only. If you wish to debate it on here fine, and it seems to have 
started already! But please also direct your comments to VHFCC, as this is 
not the official reflector for the RSGB Contest committee.

As debate has started, what I will say is that I may pick up the odd extra 
mult from an OZ/SM or HB9, and that under good conditions, not flat ones. 
All the other near continent countries are within range of the op's from 
outside the SE. These are worked regularly by those, so the stats quo will 
more or less be maintained.

I applaud the efforts to better serve all particapants, but I don't think 
this quite there yet.

Off for lunch now, I'll pick up any flak later, 73,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rob Harrison" <robharrison at g8hgn.freeserve.co.uk>
To: "UK-Contests" <uk-contest at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2012 12:35 PM
Subject: [UK-CONTEST] Proposal for change to rule for UKAC's for 2013

> Hi,
> The latest 6M UKAC results are out and reading the intro' this appears. 
> I'm making no comment either way and if you do have a comment please 
> address it to the email address below. This is just to give the notice 
> more exposure as some contestants don't do all bands in UKAC, but this 
> will affect all.
> 73 Bob G8HGN
> "POTENTIAL RULE CHANGE FOR 2013.  The UKAC series of contests has been a 
> great success and the M5 multiplier system has played a significant part 
> in that success in encouraging entrants to hunt down stations in all 
> corners of the UK. As part of the continuing evolution of the event the 
> contest committee is proposing a small change to the multiplier system 
> used in all UKACs for 2013.  The new multiplier system (M6) will be the 
> sum of the UK squares plus the number of non-UK countries worked. 
> Comments on this proposal are welcome and should be emailed to 
> vhf.query at rsgbcc.org"
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