[UK-CONTEST] Convention Contest Forum

Peter Hobbs peter at tilgate.co.uk
Wed Oct 17 12:08:39 EDT 2012

One problem is that RSGB now subcontracts finding the venue and handling 
the tickets to an outside outfit.  I suspect that any facility which 
"could" reduce numbers attending is unlikely to be high on the agenda.  
I was particularly disenchanted with the lunch arrangements this year, 
which had moved from a 3 course buffet to a single plate served by 
patently inadequate staff (same price!).  In other words, conference 
seems to have moved from an event for the benefit of members to a 
straight profit-making exercise. 

If they put the whole thing out to competition with a proper 
specification, things could be different, but of course you can't please 
. . .

73, Peter G3LET

Peter Bowyer wrote:

>On 17 October 2012 16:22, Trevor . <m5aka at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>>It's to be hoped that the Society can find a much larger venue with good catering for future events but clearly such a venue won't be easy to find.
>Venues are easy to find. The cost of them might rule them out, though.
>Radio amateurs are not known for their willingness to part with
>commercially viable conference fees.
>Peter G4MJS
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