[UK-CONTEST] CQ WW webinar 21st October

Chris Tran GM3WOJ gm3woj at christran.net
Tue Oct 23 03:17:21 EDT 2012

Hello Ian GM3SEK et al

You wrote :
 >Their own robot, which will warn about many kinds of logging errors and 
then will allow entrants to re-submit as many times as they wish (up to the 
deadline). This seems >inconsistent with their tough line about post-contest 
corrections... or at least, with some versions of it.

If I understood correctly what K5ZD was saying, this new 'Logcheck' facility 
( http://www.cqww.com/logcheck ) is for correcting errors in the structure 
of your Cabrillo logfile before submitting - e.g. wrong category etc, not 
for correcting QSO errors like callsign or zone.  I may be wrong.

The Webinar is online at http://wwrof.org/webinars/webinar/ and the section 
about Logcheck starts at 46.00 minutes approx. (The audio is not as good as 
the live event, but seemed to improve once the whole file had downloaded)

K5ZD has only been in the job for 3 weeks so it will take him time to sort 
out and clarify everything, but I got a good impression of his intentions 
when listening to him.


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