Ian White GM3SEK gm3sek at ifwtech.co.uk
Sun Oct 28 19:00:32 EDT 2012

Roger Western wrote:

>> all that's needed is for the VHF-specific postings to be prefixed 
>>[VHF]. Nothing new needs to be set up, and people who don't want to 
>>read them can pretend they're not there.

>Yes, that's the ideal solution.

>But do you honestly believe that folks will remember to prefix their 
>postings as 'VHF' or as 'HF' or rarely as 'Both VHF and HF'. I somehow 
>doubt it!
>73 de Roger/G3SXW.

It works in numerous other mailing lists.  Also I was not proposing any 
change at all for HF-related postings; since these are the majority, 
they don't need any prefix - simply carry on as before.


73 from Ian GM3SEK

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