[VHFcontesting] 432 activity

Dave N6NZ n6nz at n6nz.net
Tue Dec 11 16:25:07 EST 2001

In my experience rovering in northern Cal (fairly intense for 4 years in 
June, then nothing after the baby was born in May 2 1/2 years ago, funny 
thing that... anyway), I've only met 1 guy who was only on 432 and up. I 
usually carried 50/144/222/432/1.2G.  That said, a lot of guys have 432, 
and are happy to move when asked, but not enough people "advertise" their 
band capability.  For me, 432 was always the #3 "money" band. #1 and #2 
being 50/144 in some order depending on whether 6M opened nicely or not.

73, Dave N6NZ

At 09:19 AM 12/11/01 -0800, Tree N6TR wrote:

>I have seen some references to "activity hours" for 432 in the VHF
>contests.  I was wondering how widespread this concept extends?
>During the June VHF contest, I was surprised to work 45 stations on
>432.  This increased my lifetime 432 QSO total to about 48 QSOs.  My
>station is an FT-736R - sans preamp, with a 100 watt brick.  I had a
>28 element M2 up around 55 feet.
>I am pondering what could be done with some efforts to improve activity.
>One step we are taking is to put a beacon up.  I felt really "in the dark"
>about the performance of my station until I actually started working guys
>in the contest.  Having some kind of beacon around will allow me to make
>sure my systems performance is up to snuff.  It appears I have found a good
>QTH for it - about 30 miles from my QTH.  Hopefully, it will be heard from
>Seattle down to Salem (a 200 mile corridor).
>Another step is to try and be active on the band during the week before
>the contests.
>Finally, I am thinking of sending out mailers to the 45 stations I did
>work and encouraging them to spread the word.  It would seem that
>announcing some kind of activity period - to focus the random activity
>towards would be useful.
>While most of my 432 QSOs were moved from other bands - it seems there might
>be some guys that show up here and nowhere else.
>Please share any experieces you have had.
>73 Tree N6TR / K7RAT
>tree at kkn.net
>VHFcontesting mailing list
>VHFcontesting at contesting.com

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