[VHFcontesting] Sept Contest

DAVID C. OLEAN k1whs at worldpath.net
Sun Sep 2 12:24:06 EDT 2001

Hi Dave,
    The genesis for my original post was the WSJT  mode, which apparently, is
a step up from the normal high speed meteor scatter. Essentially all of the
detection is done by the computer. The operator sits there and reads the copy.
I guess it is like rtty in that respect. It is very effective, but I think
about the League vs Peter Laakman, WB6IOM and G3LTF (I think) and their non
allowed 1296 eme QSO. (In the late 60s or early 70's) They did much more
receiving than a WSJT operator. I was just curious about what folks thought.
Hey, I'm game to try anything if it is legal and proper.  I will get to
playing with WSJT soon too. but I would agree that, in pursuing all the grids
thru "automated" modes such as WSJT, the more traditional microphone or CW
contacts would suffer.  I have shied away from HSMS because the operator does
not have to copy in "real time".  Heck, that eliminates the adrenaline flow
when that big meteor blows by and you fall out of the chair!
    When I was a kid, my first 144 signal heard was a weak and whispery am
signal. I was holding onto a limb up in the apple tree in my yard. My other
arm was holding onto a small super regen transceiver I had built and finally
got working.  Straining to hear that signal got me going in ham radio. I guess
I love the medium that is between the two antennas at either end of the
circuit. I love the mystery. I love to hear the fading. I like those hollow
sounds, and always wonder about how it sounds that way sometimes.  This is the
reason ham radio attracts me. I, as you, worry that such days may be numbered!
Soon we may all be watching computer screens and disconnected from the medium
that we love.  Gosh, progress is a two edged sword!
    I would opt for a separate contest for the automated modes. Of course, the
downside is that there are too many contests now!  Maybe there is another
answer. I just hate to see activity fall any more than it has now!

Dave Olean  K1WHS

Dave Pascoe KM3T wrote:

> > At a basic level - having the human ear used for detection of the
> > signals makes sense.  The day might be coming where technology could
> > replace the human ear with enough performance to make the human
> > detection method non competitive...  I for one would not welcome that
> > day as I think it would remove most of the fun and make the results
> > less dependent on operator skill, but rather how well you can program
> > your DSP.  I feel the basic thing that makes ham radio interesting
> > compared to just sending e-mail is putting on your headphones and
> > listening.
> I'm familiar with HSCW and WSJT but have personally not operated either
> mode.  I look forward to trying both, from a technical and fun
> perspective.  But, for contesting, I fall in the camp who believes using
> the human ear for detection ought to be the way to go.  I know that there
> will be some doom-and-gloomers who will come out and say that the only way
> to get new people interested in doing VHF contesting will be to allow
> these modes.  Well, that may be true, but it's pretty unlikely.  There are
> plenty of ways to recruit without having to depend overly much on whizbang
> technology.
> I certainly could see a separate, short contest (like a HSCW or WSJT
> Sprint) which could be fun and allow interested folks to compete.  But I
> would not want to see the existing VHF contests changed.  One of the
> problems I could see is a substantial shift to these modes, caused by the
> natural competitive desire to work more grids, which could take activity
> away from the more traditional modes, making those not inclined to use the
> new modes lose interest due to decling activity.  We do have to do
> something to increase contest activity, but I'm not sure these new modes
> is the best route to that goal.
> 73,
> Dave KM3T

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