[Mw] Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL Membership Services Committee VHF/UHF Award...

JACK PARKER 82ndairborne at prodigy.net
Thu Oct 10 08:48:21 EDT 2002

--- "N. Spokes" <gnspokes at earthlink.net> wrote:
  In the past, people
> have been much too busy
> making HF contacts to give VHF anything but a minor
> nod of acceptance at FD
> (and in general) a 6 m station only gets us 200
> points vs 1000's for a
> 'real' HF radio contact.

In the late '60's I brought a 6-meter station to the
Milwaukee Amateur Radio Club FD...the HF guys thought
it was funny, but they were not laughing when a major
flare took out the HF bands. Turns out that the
6-meter station had more Q's than the 20-meter station
(150+)! We VHF'ers have too few opportunities like

Jack, W7PW

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