[VHFcontesting] Working in FN04 6 ssb, 2 fm splx tonight

Bill Burgess braillist at sympatico.ca
Tue Aug 19 18:15:13 EDT 2003

Greetings all,

I will be working on 50.180 ssb and 146.520 fm simplex tonight.

Time is from 2300 to 0200 or longer if lots of action.  Elev. 1100 FASL.

Mobile with 756 Pr0II/hamstick and Alinco d/b 50 watts with 5/8 whip simultaneously.

Wednesday evening I will be operating same times, same place except from 0000 to perhaps 0030 when I will be net coordinator on 147.120+ for the Northshore ARC.  Do check into the net as you are all most welcome.

73 de


VE3CRU at rac.ca

Email: braillist at sympatico.ca

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