[VHFcontesting] Re: [Rover] Stupid Categories [was:Are you ready forthe January SS??]

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Sat Dec 13 19:00:11 EST 2003

> > The wrong thing to do is create ANY category that restricts the number of
> > bands one may use to compete with.
> Too late. Already been done with the limited multi-category.

Exactly...but here's the problem with the category: It's basic premise is that
it is MULTI-OPERATOR.  If you limit anything, it should be the number of
operators, not the number of bands.

Limited Multi-Op should simply be 2 or 3 operators, max.  Not 4-bands max.

Again... use them or lose them (bands, I mean).  For the life of me, I don't
understand the logic of actually encouraging anyone to use fewer bands in order
to stay competitive.  On one hand, the ARRL spends "stupid money" (I'm taking
poetic license with the phrase) trying to protect our frequencies, while
encouraging us to not use them.  Go figure.

Am I the only person to see this contradiction?  Maybe so.

Ev, W2EV
PropNET: If the band is open and no one is TXing, does anyone hear it?
HamIM  : Messaging the all-ham way, find Rovers as they go to play.
         That HamIM, that HamIM -- I'm sure you'll like that HamIM.
Ask me about either.  I'll send a URL and you can join the fun, too!

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