[VHFcontesting] A suggestion for ERP-based Entry Classes[was:Stupid Categories ...]

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Mon Dec 15 19:43:22 EST 2003

"Kenneth E. Harker" wrote:
> > (Element count) x (RF Output) = Entry Category is a great way to categorize
> > our efforts without compromizing our future by encouraging less band-
> > participation or band-reporting.
> This formula is FAR more complicated than using an RF output threshold for
> categories.

Yet, RF output is the wrong way to calculate entry category.  It must be ERP
based.  Under today's rules...
o 201-watts into a 4-element beam is HP
o 199-watts into 4x 18xxx is LP

This is the wrong way to do it.

Under the ERP based proposal...the pivot point is 4,100 and...
o 201 watts into a 4-element beam = 804 = Low Power
o 199 watts into 4x 18xxx = 14,328 = High Power

> And why would you want people to limit (of all things) their antennas?

I never said anything of the sort.  This simply categorizes participation better
than the present method.  In fact...it encourages one to make sure that they get
every dB out of the number of elements they have!

Ev, W2EV
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