[VHFcontesting] Re: Six Meter Contest

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Mon Dec 15 20:39:45 EST 2003

>      Having just operated the ARRL 10 Meter Contest this weekend, I think
> one of the big contest sponsors (ARRL, CQ, or maybe NCJ) should sponsor a
> similar Six Meter Contest.  Six Meters is a great band, and is the obvious
> gateway band to getting both non-HF ops exposed to contest and HF-style
> operating, and getting HF ops exposed to VHF.  In North America, the only
> meter single band contests are sponsored by fairly obscure groups and have
> predictably low participation.  I can understand the ARRL not wanting to
> sponsor six or seven single band VHF+ contests like they used to do (the
> former ARRL Spring Sprints) but surely a big Six Meter contest would be a
> great thing.
>      The 10 Meter could be a guide for format...

What about just adding 6 meters to the 10 Meter Contest as a separate band.
You could leave the traditional single-band entry completely unchanged.  Add
a two-band set of categories and...voila...instant major contest without
occupying another weekend and very little additional expense.

73, Ward N0AX

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