[VHFcontesting] Re: Six Meter Contest

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Tue Dec 16 07:35:44 EST 2003

On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 08:39:45PM -0800, Ward Silver wrote:

> What about just adding 6 meters to the 10 Meter Contest as a separate band.
> You could leave the traditional single-band entry completely unchanged.  Add
> a two-band set of categories and...voila...instant major contest without
> occupying another weekend and very little additional expense.


The beauty of the 10 meter contest or the 160 meter contest is the 
fact that it is a single band.  It forces you to make noise on 
10 meters all weekend. 

I think this would be the beauty of a 6m contest - it would force 
you to make noise on a band all weekend.  I think that the June 
VHF contest or the CQ VHF contest are almost single band 6m events
because 6m is the lowest band with the widest possible area of 

In a 10 meter / 6 meter event the hihger band would suffer 
in that usually the propagation and number of stations 
to work would be on 10 meters.  by default there would be 
more activtiy on the lower band.

The same thing would happen if you added 15 meters to the 10 meter
contest - everyone would have been on 15 meters this past weekend.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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