[VHFcontesting] Re: Six Meter Contest

Ward Silver hwardsil at centurytel.net
Tue Dec 16 21:25:49 EST 2003

> > What about just adding 6 meters to the 10 Meter Contest as a separate
> > You could leave the traditional single-band entry completely unchanged.
> > a two-band set of categories and...voila...instant major contest without
> > occupying another weekend and very little additional expense.
> NO.
> The beauty of the 10 meter contest or the 160 meter contest is the
> fact that it is a single band.  It forces you to make noise on
> 10 meters all weekend.
> I think this would be the beauty of a 6m contest - it would force
> you to make noise on a band all weekend.  I think that the June
> VHF contest or the CQ VHF contest are almost single band 6m events
> because 6m is the lowest band with the widest possible area of
> propagation.
> In a 10 meter / 6 meter event the hihger band would suffer
> in that usually the propagation and number of stations
> to work would be on 10 meters.  by default there would be
> more activtiy on the lower band.
> The same thing would happen if you added 15 meters to the 10 meter
> contest - everyone would have been on 15 meters this past weekend.

I agree that single-band contests are there to focus on that band - there
are several 6-meter contests, but not sponsored by a major organization,
i.e. - ARRL.  The League is tapped out when it comes to adding contests and
that's one reason I suggested a 6-meter piggyback.  The other reason is that
by adding 6 to an established contest, a bridge is created to contesters
that otherwise plain wouldn't enter a 6-meter-only contest.  I'm sure there
*would* be more activity on the lower band, but the goal is to get people
interested in 6-meters that aren't now.  Is the idea to create a more
exciting contest for the existing 6-meter contesters or create more 6-meter
contesters?  I'm not sure the two are separate, but there isn't a whole lot
of overlap.

N6TR pointed out that December is a rather poor month for 6-meter
propagation and that may be the best reason not to add 6 to the 10 meter
contest (Would that have made it a 16-meter contest?)  So perhaps combining
10 and 6 in a summer event would work better.

73, Ward N0AX

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