[VHFcontesting] Another Example [was: A suggestion for ERP-basedEntry Classes]

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Tue Dec 16 22:40:54 EST 2003

Not at all, Don.  As I said earlier...factoring-in dishes is simply something
that I've not included in the base proposal, but could be easily done with a
little thought.

The concept is sound, and I'll be looking for you in January (and you'll be
looking for me, too...there aren't many 1296 equipped stations in FN03). :)

Donald Huntington wrote:
> I guess that counts us out, we use a six foot dish on 1296.
> 73  Don, K1DH,  opr W2SZ/1
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Ev Tupis (W2EV)"
> To: VHFContesting eMail Remailer
> Subject: [VHFcontesting]  Another Example [was: A suggestion for ERP-based
> Entry Classes]
> Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 22:09:20 -0500
> Zack Widup wrote:
> > The more I think about it, the more complicated it gets.  Has anyone
> > mentioned path loss yet?  Path losses skyrocket as you go up the bands.
> Surprisingly, ERP-based calculation stays simple.  All one must do is
> determine
> the "ERP Factor" pivot point that makes the most sense for a given
> band.  Let's
> use some real examples (just like the one for 432 that was cited in an earlier
> email):
> A. 2-watts to a 55 Element 1296 Loop yagi = 110
> B. 2-watts to  4x 45 Element 1296 Loop yagi array = 360
> C. 9-watts to a 55 element 1296 Loop yagi = 495
> D. 9-watts to  4x 45 Element 1296 Loop yagi array = 1,620
> E. 18-watts to a 55 element 1296 Loop yagi = 990
> F. 18-watts to 4x 45 Element 1296 Loop yagi array = 3,240
> G. 65-watts to a 55 element 1296 Loop yagi = 3,575
> H. 65-watts to 4x 45 Element 1296 Loop yagi array = 11,700
> The question becomes...what should the Pivot Point be for 1296?  In some ways,
> it's as much art as it is science.  In this case, maybe it should be 1,000?
> Establishing a meaningful Pivot Point is the 'pivotal' part of this proposal.
> :)
> Once determined by the ARRL, the calculation is e-a-s-y.  This is not unlike
> the
> way the rules read now, with different power pivot levels for each band.
> Ev, W2EV
> --
> PropNET: If the band is open and no one is TXing, does anyone hear it?
> HamIM  : Messaging the all-ham way, find Rovers as they go to play.
>           That HamIM, that HamIM -- I'm sure you'll like that HamIM.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ask me about either.  I'll send a URL and you can join the fun, too!
> _______________________________________________
> VHFcontesting mailing list
> VHFcontesting at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/vhfcontesting
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Enjoy the holiday season with great tips from MSN.

PropNET: If the band is open and no one is TXing, does anyone hear it?
HamIM  : Messaging the all-ham way, find Rovers as they go to play.
         That HamIM, that HamIM -- I'm sure you'll like that HamIM.
Ask me about either.  I'll send a URL and you can join the fun, too!

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