[VHFcontesting] Stacking Distance?

Lee Scott - AA1YN aa1yn at aa1yn.com
Tue Jul 15 11:49:57 EDT 2003

At 10:17 AM 7/15/2003 -0400, AG2A wrote:
>I am in the process of cleaning my pair of 15 element KLM 2 meter beams. I 
>was just thinking that I failed to measure the distance between them when 
>I took them down (new tower,can't measure marks). Does anyone know the 
>optimum distance for a pair of these antennas?  Oh yeah, while I have your 
>attention is there a 432 or 435 simplex fm freq that is used for 
>contesting?  I have a new duo band fm antenna but won't have anything else 
>for the sept.contest.
>                                         Tom - ag2a


If you take the wavelength of the booms, compare that to the K1FO antenna 
in the ARRL Antenna Handbook, you will get fairly close - within a few 
inches.  Don't compare the number of elements but the boom length.

If anyone knows better, I'd like to hear it - I have been known to be 
wrong. :-)

Lee Scott - AA1YN
Home of the VHF & Up Register http://www.aa1yn.com/vhf
Hooksett, NH

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