[VHFcontesting] Re: captive rovers

Tree tree at kkn.net
Tue Jul 29 13:58:10 EDT 2003

On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 01:08:06PM -0400, Dennis Hudson wrote:

> Tree, Jim, Warren etc, what do you guys have against roving? Why are 
> you constantly trying to destroy one of the most enjoyable aspects of 
> my HOBBY. 

I am very sorry to hear that my comments have been taken as "anti roving".

I honestly think rovers are fantastic and they should be commended for
doing it.  While I haven't yet roved in a VHF contest, I have done it
before for HF contests doing county hopping.

By your comments, it doesn't sound like you are a "captive" rover, so
please do not take anything I have said to apply to you.  

> I try to contact anyone willing to put an effort to make a station 
> capable of working me. I've personally handed out some of the final 
> microwave VUCC cards to stations like KH6CP(W1VT), VE2JWH, WA1AIM. I 
> try to publish my schedule on this reflector and my capabilities are 
> listed with VE2PIJ's VHF resource page.

This is great - and I am only talking about the very small rovers who
do not make an effort to work other stations and end up in no other logs.

73 Tree

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