[VHFcontesting] captive rovers=red herring

N3AWS at aol.com N3AWS at aol.com
Wed Jul 30 13:55:12 EDT 2003

Tree wrote:
"I took some personal risk and threw
out a piece of data to make it clear that the data might not be so 
hypothetical when it became clear that many people didn't believe this
was going on.  I am doing all of this because I believe this is something
we should all be aware of, and should each decide if this is something
we are comfortable with or not.  I believe that if we come to the 
consensus that this is a problem, peer pressure will do more to resolve
the situation than any action the ARRL or CQ could take.  "

That being the case, is this something that should be discussed on this reflector or should the ARRL CAC handle this?  I remember an incident years ago when a multi-op had a huge number of FM simplex contacts that turned ugly on the internet and the control op apparently never even knew the situation existed.


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