[VHFcontesting] More capative rovers

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 30 11:16:58 EDT 2003

Assuming that capative rovers are being used, and are
a big problem, there is still another problem.  The
Multi Multi contest group has probably armed the rover
and ordered them out, with orders to work no one else
under penalty of death.  However, the way the rules
are currently written, the rover is breaking the rules
by adopting operating practices that do not encourage
working as many stations as possible.  The Multi Multi
station who started the whole thing, and who is
benefiting from the rover's captivity is not breaking
any rule.

Please do not suggest removing unique callsigns from
logs either, because that opens up a whole other
mess-as well as being unfair.

73s John NE0P

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