[VHFcontesting] FT-100D vs. IC-706MII

Tad Danley tdanley at sbcglobal.net
Thu Feb 5 19:30:53 EST 2004

jon jones wrote:
> I am looking at the FT-100D vs. the IC-706MIIG for a new contest DXped. 
> radio for the June VHF QSO Party. Any opinions as to FT-110d being 
> better than the ICOM for contesting on VHF?  I currently use a IC-706MII.
> - N0JK

I have owned both, and still have the FT-100D.  It definitely has a 
better noise blanker for mobile operation.  Other than that, I think the 
differences are mostly personal preferences.


Tad Danley, K3TD

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