[VHFcontesting] Excel spreadsheet function for distance between grid squares?

Michael Urich ka5cvh at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 8 19:57:53 EST 2004

--- Duane Grotophorst <n9dg at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Does anyone have a way to calculate distances bewteen
> grid squares using Microsoft Excel? It's not that
> important to have a high degree of accuracy but I do
> want to have a way to determine the approximate
> distances for all of the Q's that I worked during this
> last January VHF SS. I'll be using all 6 digits of my
> grid to the middle of the grid for the stations I
> worked.

Mike wrote

I played around with this in PowerPoint by inserting the ARRL grid map (.pdf) into a slide.  I
could then draw a line using the PP draw feature and come up with a line length.  You need to
remember you HS alegbra for this however since you're working in two deminsions.  The best I can
say it was "sloppy" close.


Mike Urich, KA5CVH
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