[VHFcontesting] Rover Circling Solution [was: ARRL VHF+ contest proposals: input invited]

Ev Tupis w2ev at arrl.net
Fri Feb 20 22:23:49 EST 2004

Lee Hiers wrote:
>>"Once operation has ceased, the same grid may not be re-activated by the 
>>same moving station in the same contest.  Operation in a previous grid 
>>is considered 'ceased' as soon as a single contact is made from a new grid."
>>No ambiguity.  Easily understood.  Easily policed.

> Here in the southeast, with no enhanced propagation, I 
> might decide that I want to move back and forth from one 
> grid to another in less than 4/8/12 hours.
> And what if I decide to take the same route both days?  

You should consider a different strategy.  This one isn't allowed under 
this proposal (and neither is grid circling).

> Both are perfectly legitimate activities.  

Legitimacy isn't the issue.  There are many legitimate activities that 
the rules prohibit.  In example: a multiop may QSO their own operators 
above 2.3GHz, yet qso's below 2.3ghz are certainly as legit...yet they 
are prohibited.

Ev, W2EV

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