[VHFcontesting] LT1070 DC/DC Boost converter

Lee Scott - AA1YN aa1yn at aa1yn.com
Sun Feb 29 09:38:43 EST 2004

A short while back on the microwave reflector, I posted a reply to a 
question on a -20v DC/DC Converter.  Since there are a lot of rovers on 
this reflector, I thought I might also post this on the VHF reflector.

While I did not make a negative supply, I did make a positive boost supply 
using the LT1070 to provide battery power to my laptop.  Laptops normally 
require 18v to 20v and internally convert it down.  Unfortunately, the will 
not operate directly on auto voltage. I mentioned to a couple of folks, I 
would do a short write up for them.  If anyone is interested, you can see 
the results including photos on my website.  Here is the link:


As time permits, I will put some more of the projects up on the site.

Lee Scott - AA1YN
Home of the VHF & Up Register http://www.aa1yn.com/vhf
Hooksett, NH

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