[VHFcontesting] 6m Array Switching

Ev Tupis w2ev at arrl.net
Sat Jul 3 18:03:38 EDT 2004

 > It only takes a few minutes to construct a model of this antenna in K6STI's
 > AO program.
 > All antennas:   14.14 dBi @ 7 degrees
 > Upper pair:     12.67 dBi @ 6 degrees
 > Lower pair:     11.84 dBi @ 12 degrees

> David: Is the "ground gain" a real number?

Hi Mike,
Gain is best understood as a relative (as opposed to an absolute) indicator. 
What David cautioned me was to subtract 6dB for "ground gain" and 2.15dB for 
"dipole gain".  When all is said and done, things end up looking like this in 
"reality" (whatever that is <smile>) -- including some information that was on 
the graphical plots that Dave (so kindly) sent me:

Dipoles at (1) 50'
            (2) 38'
            (3) 26'
            (4) 14'

Antenna       First---Lobe---Elevation   Gain @
Constellation -10dB    Max dB    -10dB   Lobe Max
------------- -----    ------    ------  ---------------------------------
(1,2,3,4)     3-deg    7-deg     15-deg  14.14-6-2.15=5.99 dBd
(1,2)         3-deg    6-deg     11-deg  12.67-6-2.15=4.52 dBd
(3,4)         4-deg    12-deg    34-deg  11.84-6-2.15=3.69 dBd

There are many aspects to a proper antenna analysis...the above is only 
one...but it answers your question (I think).

Kind regards,
Ev, W2EV

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