[VHF] Re: [VHFcontesting] Increasing Participation - At Last

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 21 21:00:46 EDT 2004

By ignorant I do not imply stupidity.  I mean what you
state in your last paragraph. They are "uninformed
about the unique aspects of vhf".  There is no reason
why people can't do both HF and VHF, and concentrate
on both.  I do.  Both have their challanges and
rewards.  But after having earned 5BWAS, 5BWAC, 5BWAZ,
306 countries for DXCC, I am looking for new
challanges anywhere.  Islands, Counties, and prefixes
really don't interest me, so I look for grid squares
on VHF.  Different type of challange, with more
potential for new ones currently.

73s John NE0P

--- Bill Turner <wrt at dslextreme.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Jul 2004 18:57:14 -0500, paul goble
> wrote:
> >There are SO many aspects to the ignorance problem;
> I keep hearing the "ignorance" thing over and over,
> but I don't think
> that's it.  Your average ham is no dummy - he knows
> that dollar for
> dollar he can talk farther and make lots more QSOs
> with louder signals
> on HF instead of VHF.  How is that being ignorant?
> And yet, people like Paul (who has good intentions,
> I'm sure) will try
> to convince him that it's "better" somehow to spend
> lots more money and
> lots more time to achieve results he could do on HF
> with a fraction of
> the effort.
> So who's the "ignorant" one?
> When I was first licensed as a Technician in 1957, I
> spent the first
> couple of years of my ham life on six meters and had
> a ball.  But when I
> got my General in 1960 and realized how much farther
> I could work with
> less power (and less TVI) on 40 meters, I never
> looked back.  Only after
> more than 40 years of HF did I finally try six
> again.  I found it to be
> ok - SSB now instead of AM, and the DX was easier -
> but basically about
> the same as I recall it from the old days.  In the
> last year I've worked
> close to 40 states on six, but many times I've made
> WAS in one weekend
> on HF without hardly trying.
> I guess my point is, if you want to attract more
> people to VHF, fine,
> but you need to emphasize the unique attractions of
> VHF and not focus on
> how "ignorant" people are, because they really
> aren't.
> --
> Bill, W6WRT
> QSLs via LoTW
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