[VHFcontesting] VHF/UHF items FS

John Geiger johngeig at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 9 11:21:28 EDT 2004

Recent life events have made me consider station
reconfiguration, so I have the following VHF/UHF items
for sale.  I would prefer not to ship the antennas,
but can deliver them to Hamcomm next weekend in
All prices do not include shipping:

1. Mirage B1016G 2 meter amp.  10 watts in for 160
plus out.  This is the brown and white faced Mirage in
excellent physical condition.  Asking $140

2. Klitzing 70cm amp.  10 watts in for 100 watts out. 
Unique orange face.  Has N connectors for both input
and output.  No preamp.  Asking $140

3. Diamond 40 amp continuous switching power supply. 
Has built in speaker.  Also has cigarette lighter plug
and spring clip terminals on front.  Asking $120

4. Ham III rotor with control.  Rebuilt and repainted
in 2000/2001.  Handles HF and large VHF/UHF arrays. 
Asking $190.

5. Cushcraft 13B2.  13 elements on a 15 foot boom. 
Asking $75.

6. KLM 70cm antenna.  16 elements on 13 foot boom. 
Asking $65.

Can take paypal, check, or MO for these items.

73s John NE0P

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