[VHFcontesting] Maps of June VHF Contest Activity

Kenneth E. Harker kenharker at kenharker.com
Wed Jun 9 11:51:49 EDT 2004

     I have generated maps of the locations of contest participants in the 
2002 and 2003 ARRL June VHF QSO Parties.  I start with the tab-delimited 
scores databsae for the contest, match up callsigns with ZIP codes in the 
FCC database, and match ZIP codes to lat/lon values.  I'm using the U.S.
Census Bureau's online Tiger Mapping Server to draw the maps.

   * These maps only show "lower-48" USA stations.  I wish the U.S. Census
     Bureau map server would map Canada, but it doesn't.  I could map Hawaii
     and Alaska as well, but there were no contest entries from those states
     in 2002 or 2003.

   * Where an operation takes place from a different location than the 
     callbook address, I have no easy way to know that is the case, and if I 
     did, the scores database does not include enough data to map the "real"
     operation location.  This is only really noticable in the case of a 
     few well-known multi-op mountain-top stations like K8GP and W2SZ/1.

   * On the assumption that most SO/P operations are relatively near home -
     like, in the same state, for example, I am mapping them, even though I
     know they are almost all not in the exact location of operation.

   * I am not mapping rover operations.


Feedback welcome.

(Note: I have changed my primary personal email account.  Please replace
 your address book or alias listings of kharker at cs.utexas.edu with 
 kenharker at kenharker.com.  Thanks! - 31 March 2004)

Kenneth E. Harker WM5R
kenharker at kenharker.com

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