[VHFcontesting] Field Day Band Changes

George Fremin III geoiii at kkn.net
Thu Jun 24 08:15:45 EDT 2004

On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 04:16:19AM +0000, Matthew Pepper wrote:
> Do you those of you who work field day VHF stations wait the 15 minutes in 
> between band/mode changes. Or do you just pass a station up the bands like 
> the ARRL VHF Contests?

The 15 minute rule only applies below 30 mhz.

All of this is covered here:


4. Entry Categories: Field Day entries are classified according to the
maximum number of simultaneously transmitted signals, followed by a
designator of the nature of their individual or group

 Below 30 MHz, once a transmitter is used for a contact on a band, it
must remain on that band for at least 15 minutes.

 During the period, the transmitter is considered to be transmitting,
whether it is or not, for the purpose of determining transmitter
classification. Switching devices are prohibited.

In addition is is is worth pointing out that a VHF station is a 
totally extra transmitter and could be a source of many contacts
without changing your FD catagory.

George Fremin III - K5TR
geoiii at kkn.net

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