QSO Point Values (was:Re: [VHFcontesting] ARRL VHF+ contest proposals...

John (JK) Kalenowsky, K9JK k9jk73 at msn.com
Mon Mar 1 11:11:05 EST 2004

see below...

>From: "Tom Carney" <tomc7 at earthlink.net>
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Steve Gilmore - W4SHG" <shg at staffnet.com>
> >
> > 2) QSO Point Changes
> >
> >  Standardizing point scoring to two (2) points, 3 points and a
> > Rover contact only being one no matter where the rover is located is
> > Why again penalize the rovers who travel to a distant grid that have no
> > activity. Stupid Idea, sorry folks but this concept again penalizes the
> > rovers who work harder than anyone in these contests.
> >
>I absolutely agree with this.  Why should a station only get one point for
>working a rover?  Why would anyone bother responding to the CQ of a rover
>during a six meter band opening when the band is boiling with three points

Good point and supported by OTHER commenters (though possibly for
different reasons)...6 meter contacts should be worth ONE point, regardless
of distance...it *might* be appropriate to limit 2 meter contacts to ONE 
regardless of distance (i.e. "Grid Square Adjancency") as well.

>It's not even clear what problem the committee is attempting
>to solve with this rule.

I don't speak for "the committee" but...

Is it *possible* that "the committee" was trying to reduce the benefit of 
'captive rovers' to the scores of stations (m/m, single op, other rover) who 
work them? Let's not forget that the "Rover" can be worked multiple times 
(barring the impact of other potential rule changes) as long as he/she is in 
a Grid Square from which the rover had not been contacted before.

As a rover...I would HOPE that the MULTIPLE 'fixed' stations that I 
typically work from MULTIPLE Grid Squares while Roving are STILL motivated 
to work me on my 5 or 6 bands...even if they are only worth 5 or 6 QSO 
points versus per 'stop' instead of the 9/10 or 12/14 QSO points per stop 
they are worth presently. Yes, I realize there is the "time value" of that 6 
meter opening, but there is ALSO the time value of "me, as the Rover" being 
in a given Grid Square, potentially providing some unique multipliers as 
well. Such a change WILL produce some new strategies...by BOTH 'fixed' AND 
Rover stations.

Also not clear to me...is the 'point value' based on the class of the 
station WORKED, i.e. rover works a NON-rover station, contact is worth (to 
the Rover) same value as for a NON-rover station working a NON-rover station 
-OR- is ANY contact that involves a Rover station "only" worth 1 point, 
regardless of distance (and whether one or both stations are rovers)?

If someone from "the committee" or who can speak for "the committee" could 
enlighten 'us' on the 'thinking' regarding one point for Rover contacts...it 
might help us ALL provide better input.

>Although I have operated most recent contest as a rover, if this rule is
>adopted, it is very very unlikley I will ever operate as a rover again.  OK
>might rove during the CQ VHF test.
>73  Tom  KE6FI

73, JK

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