[VHFcontesting] VHF&up_Activity

Bill Seabreeze w3iy at adelphia.net
Sun Mar 14 13:26:20 EST 2004

I think we're getting carried away with the contest
rule discussion.  No changes to any contest rules
will have much impact on VHF & up activity...EVER.
Lots of guys don't even like contests, and avoid them
like the plague.  Lots of contesters don't send in logs.
If we want to measure VHF & up activity by the number 
of logs submitted, we're making a BIG mistake.  Don't 
get me wrong...increasing numbers of log submittals is 
always a good thing, but there's a lot more happenning 
on the bands than guys sending in logs about their 
contest exploits.  Get on the bands and listen/speak!!

As said before, if you want to help increase activity,
forget about contest rule changes, and figure out
how to spread the word about how much fun the
higher bands can be.  Reach out to the local FM
group, and show them the wonders of CW/SSB on
the bands...infiltrate your local radio club and let 
them know what's up with amateur uwaves, etc.
We need to encourage more experienced guys to
write some articles for QST, etc.  We need to
show newcomers how they can participate without
spending their next 6 months allowance on a new 
rig.  I think this last issue keeps lots of potential
VHFers off the air, as they gag at the prices of new 
gear.  If you have some old rigs, consider giving a
deserving newbie a break on it, and encourage 
him/her to get on and operate.

Just another $.02
73 de W3IY

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