[VHFcontesting] LOOPS

K3uhf at aol.com K3uhf at aol.com
Fri Oct 8 15:33:52 EDT 2004

For Six Meters try a Turnstile four and a half feet
over the top of roof. Tie the four ends to all four
corners of the car. worked fine for Me in late
Joe K1NCO 
--- K3uhf at aol.com wrote:
  Cars were much bigger then a 74 Monte Carlo can carry much more antenna 
than an 04 Monte Carlo.  

    However the 74 Monty will match my pimp suit and would pick up more 
dates.  They wouldn't even notice the antenna because all of the dingle-berriies on 
the winshield, curb feelers, the chain link steering wheel and 40k$ paint job 
on the $400 ride.  However the hydraulic system that bounces the nose of the 
car up and down is hard on anternnas but great for increasing the window time 
on eme skeds.

East LA rover

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