[VHFcontesting] One "Idiot's" Reply - The Real WTX Story

Ev Tupis (W2EV) w2ev at arrl.net
Wed Oct 27 19:46:19 EDT 2004

John Geiger wrote:
>>> 2.3.5.All Rovers are encouraged to adopt
>>operating practices that
>>>allow as many stations as possible to contact

> So wouldn't this mean that they must stay up all
> night, operating the entire contest?  

Maybe. ;)  That could be why the rules limit rovers to 2 operators but 
places no limit on the number of drivers. <giggle>

> If you are in WTX, where there is little activity,
> especially on the microwaves, grid circling is
> adopting a practice that allows as many stations as
> possible to contact you-when the other option is no
> station contacts you on those bands.

And yet, others have said that they were in range, but this pack didn't 
seem to make it into their logs.

Even so...I'm arguing a point that I don't really have an interest in.

Instead...  The underlying problem is that all other classes of 
participant start out the contest with no points in the log.  A 5-rover 
"pack" with 11 bands travelling through 12 grids (3 opportunities to 
"dance" at a 4-grid intersection) starts the contest with somewhere 
around 885k points.

Their score will go down only if some equipment malfunctions (a car 
breaks down or a radio doesn't work), but will go up from there based on 
how many other (non-pack) stations they work.  No other class of 
participant enjoys this scoring cushion.

The scoring-field is not level and certainly not proportional to Amateur 
operator or technical skill advancement.  That is the crux of the issue.

Ev, W2EV

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