[VHFcontesting] Re: 902 vs 903

Lee Scott - AA1YN aa1yn at aa1yn.com
Thu Sep 2 14:21:27 EDT 2004

At 11:39 AM 9/2/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Personally, I see advantages to using 145 over 144 for the IF, especially 
>at stations where there are more than one transverter using 2 meters for 
>an IF. I would think you would want the option of using either 902 or 903 
>simply by changing the IF rig frequency rather than having to change a 
>crystal in the transverter.
>Danny  NG9R

I agree - if you have an IF transceiver for each transverter, it would help 
to have each one on a separate frequency but personally, I can't afford an 
FT-817 for each of my 4 transverters with a 2m IF.

Not so wealthy here :-(

Lee Scott - AA1YN
Home of the VHF & Up Register http://www.aa1yn.com/vhf
Hooksett, NH

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