[VHFcontesting] Sept. Contest Testing

Dave Agsten w4txs at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 5 23:00:29 EDT 2004

I'll be roving in the Sept. contest (solo again unless someone is interested) hitting at least 6 grids - FM18,17,16 08,07 and 06. Not sure just when and where yet. I was in FM13, FM03 and other scarce grids down that way in June, but no one seemed to point their beams in that direction. I'd repeat those grids if there was some interest in them....enough to make the long trip worthwhile. Let me know.
I've added 222 and 902/3 for this contest and would like to check out these bands, as well as the others, sometime this week. If anyone is close enough to FM18ch and wants to give it a try, I'd appreciate it. In June I had to wait for the contest to see if 1296 worked..... If anyone wants to run some equipment checks please e-mail me or give me a call.  540-972-8038 Home, 202-619-1047 Work, or 540-842-7996 Cell. Email at W4TXS at yahoo.com or dagsten at oig.hhs.gov
I understand that 903 is used in the East. Can someone please verify that for me. (903.100 calling freq. ???)  I'm good for either 902 or 903 but have not yet been on this band. (Thus the request for testing) Willing to try any band 6 meters thru 1296.
Tnx es 73,
Dave W4TXS

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