[VHFcontesting] Sept_VHF

Bill Seabreeze w3iy at adelphia.net
Sun Sep 5 23:09:29 EDT 2004

Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, etc. notwithstanding,
we hope to do the usual rove next weekend from
FM15,25,26, etc.  Details are available at
http://users.adelphia.net/~w3iy.  We should be
easy to find on 144.247.  We hope everyone
has a fun and safe contest!  Enjoy the most activity
likely to be on the bands until January, 2005...
Sieze the oppurtunity...make some noise...tell
your friends to GET ON THE AIR!!!

GL & 73,
Bill W3IY
Christophe ON4IY

...listen for the weak ones...

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