[VHFcontesting] Re: Sports vs. Radiosports (George Fremin III)

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Mon Sep 6 01:00:34 EDT 2004

On Mon, 6 Sep 2004, jon jones wrote:

> I use a paper log for single op portable operating. More reliable than the 
> lap top "in the field." Some rovers still keep paper logs. There is a web 
> based Cabrillo app. for those who log on paper to convert their contest logs 
> to the Cabrillo format by typing them in:
> WA7BNM Web2Cabrillo 1.03
> Thus the "paper loggers" can submit their logs electronically. A "contest 
> log" deadline of 1 to 3 days would be possible.
> - NØJK

I do the same thing.  Right now it's just too much stuff I'm cramming into 
my little car to be active on 8 to 10 bands as a single op portable.  I 
forsake the laptop computer and log onto paper logs.  Then when I get home 
Sunday evening after the contest, I put everything into a CT log and 
generate the Cabrillo log to send to ARRL.  

CT is now free to download and use, and it's the computer prpgram I "cut 
my teeth on" for contest logging.

73, Zack W9SZ

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