[VHFcontesting] K1WHS u/m FN43mj

Bill Olson callbill at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 7 20:53:21 EDT 2004

K1WHS, unlimited multiop in southern Maine, FN43mj will be on the whole 
September contest weekend including friday night for pre-contest testing and 
"chit chat".

Station rundown, (narrowband modes on ALL bands), is:

1500w, 4 x 7 el on 50MHz
1500w, 4 x 18 el, or 16 x 5el fixed SW on 144MHz
1500w, 4 x 16 el on 222MHz
1500w, 8 x 25 el on 432MHz
300w, 4 x 33 on 903MHz
120w, 4 x 45 el on 1296MHz
120w, 4 x 76 el on 2304MHz
45w mast mounted, 4 x 112 el on 3456MHz
30w dish mounted, 3ft dish on 5760MHz
22w dish mounted, 3ft dish on 10gHz
3w dish mounted, 2ft dish on 24gHz

Hope some of the stations to the southwest and west (like... that's about 
ALL of them) can point their antennas NORTHEAST and EAST this weekend.. We 
will be there.

Good luck to all and hope everyone has a ball this weekend! Let's hope some 
of the tropo we have been getting lately in the East keeps up (well I hope 
you all get it out WEST too!)!

bill, k1dy (for "Dave's Station", K1WHS, FN43mj, Maine)

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